
If one is romantic enough, how can one be single and available, you might ask, right? You might think I am talking rubbish, but seriously, people, don’t you think and agree, deep down somewhere, we are romantic to the bones. Perhaps your romantic moments is different from mine, maybe yours need a lot of money to maintain, such as a big billboard at a bustling highway professing love and proposing a lifetime of togetherness. Mine can easily be a hand-made card, a home-cooked meal and a comfy foot rub or even just remembering my favorite scene and favorite line from a certain stupid chick flick. For me, it is always the thought that counts and I totally have faith and confidence that I am capable of finding that at the very corner when I turn and meanwhile, I shall just enjoy the very moments without the special someone. And finally when I meet the special someone, I will not be a boring whose life only revolves around work and the claustrophobic space in all shopping malls. I have promised myself not to limit myself, always try new thing, turns a new page in life when it feels like it, take life at its own cause, lives life to the fullest.

So, life goes on as usual, still the stressful, challenging professional career, still the spiritual distressing process of movies sessions, the occasional trips out for self discovery and eye-opening, the relentless soul searching by dwelling into books and music, and of course, the constant thought that special someone is just as happy to see that you are happy with yourself, you just have to make sure you are ready when that special someone comes into your life.

As such, the spirit is high and the motivation is constant, love is everywhere, at the round of a corner, it will be, when you are ready, love yourself enough to trust that you are your own happiness.

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